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In Celebration of Fallen Officer Mike Crain

Published: 02/07/2018

Today marks the 5th anniversary when Fallen Riverside Police Officer Mike Crain’s time with us ended. We celebrate his life… as a husband, father, son, brother, friend, and protector. But how do we celebrate, honor, and remember him?

His wife Regina and daughter Kaitlyn will celebrate by eating ice cream, a favorite thing Mike did with them. His parents Steve and Cindy, his sister Leslie and brother Jason, will remember him with a toast amongst family, friends, and colleagues from RPD and the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department, as that bond is now as strong as Mike was. His fellow officers remembered him early this morning at the time and location where he died with a tribute over the police radio and some chocolate donuts, Mike’s favorite. We all handle the loss of a loved one differently, and that is okay.

As you celebrate, honor, and remember Mike today, please leave a place for his family in your thoughts and prayers, and the families of all our Fallen. And keep Officer Andy Tachias and his continued recovery in your mind as well.

As for Mike's son Ian, well he honors his dad by putting some thoughts into writing. "It's been five years since my dad was killed, but I can't believe it has been that long. For me it seems like it just happened. I'm lucky to have a really great mom, but I still miss my dad so much. I miss everything about him. I miss playing catch with him and hearing his voice. I didn't get enough time with him. I'm still struggling with him not being here, but I'm really trying. I will always love him. I just really want to make him proud."

Don’t worry, Ian and Kaitlyn, you have and continue to make your daddy proud.

Watch video "In Memory of Officer Mike Crain."

End of Watch: February 7, 2013