If you are planning to conduct business in the City of Riverside you must obtain a City of Riverside business license, also referred to as a business tax.
All persons or companies conducting
business in the City of Riverside are
required to pay a business tax. This
includes, but is not limited to, retail
outlets, wholesalers, manufacturers,
service companies, professional
businesses, independent contractors,
home businesses, and commercial and
residential landlords. If you conduct
business in the City of Riverside from an
office located outside of Riverside, you
are required to pay a business tax.
For a new business, the business tax is
due and payable on or before the first
day of business to avoid additional
fees. Business taxes are paid annually
unless otherwise specified. All annual
business taxes are due in advance; on
or before the expiration date of the
then current certificate.
Who is expected to pay?
All persons or companies conducting business in the City of Riverside
are required to pay a business tax. This includes, but is not limited
to, retail outlets, wholesalers, manufacturers, service companies,
professional businesses, independent contractors, home businesses,
and commercial and residential landlords. If you conduct business in the City of
Riverside from an office located outside of Riverside, you are required to pay a
business tax.
Is my Business Tax Certificate transferable?
Business Tax Certificates are not transferable or assignable to any
other person or business.
When am I expected to pay?
You must register and pay the business tax prior to the
commencement of business.
When is my payment due?
For a new business, the business tax is due and payable at the
start of business. For business tax renewals for existing businesses,
the business tax is due and payable at the expiration date of the
previous certificate.
How often am I expected to pay?
Business taxes are paid annually unless otherwise specified. All
annual business taxes are due in advance on or before the
expiration date of the then current certificate or on or before the
first day of business for any new business. Business taxes for periods other than the
annual period are payable in advance on or before the first day of business and
thereafter on or before the first day of each applicable period.
What if I have multiple business locations or business activities?
A separate tax certificate is required for each type of business
activity conducted at a single location and for each branch or
location of a business. Business Tax Certificates shall be displayed for
each business activity and at each branch or location.
What are the tax rates?
Business tax rates are calculated based upon the type of business
utilizing a minimum tax plus additional increments. The increments
can include, but are not limited to, gross receipts, number of
employees, number of machines, number of vehicles, etc. To view
current rates, visit RiversideCA.gov/Finance.
What if I don’t pay?
Penalties for new businesses are 30% 60 days after the business start date and 50% 90 days after the business start date, and 75% 120 days after start date.
Do I need to pay Business Tax for renting residential or commercial real estate?
A Business Tax Certificate is required for any property owner
engaged in the rental of residential or commercial real estate within
the City of Riverside.
For residential property owners:
Owners with more than one residential rental unit
are subject to payment of Business Tax calculated on the basis of gross rental
receipts from the rental properties.
For commercial property owners:
If you rent or lease any commercial building
you are subject to payment of Business Tax calculated on the basis of gross
rental receipts from the commercial property.
Please contact the Business Tax Section office staff for additional information.
Apply for and Renew Business Licenses Online at riversideca.gov/businesstax
Please contact the Business Tax Office at (951) 826-5465 and City staff will be happy to answer any additional questions that you may have.